That page is rather out of date as the RIPE policy it refers to was passed and then modified to (somewhat) restore needs basis. Owen
On Sep 30, 2016, at 10:47 AM, Enno Rey <> wrote:
On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:26:36AM -0700, Seth Mattinen wrote:
On 9/30/16 09:49, Bryan Fields wrote:
I'm trying to find a place on ARIN's website where this is addressed, but coming up short. I'm not the seller or buyer in this, but basically someone has a legacy block allocated by Postel and wants to sell the block as it's an owned asset.
What's the process to get ARIN to move the admin/ownership of this? Do they only need to see a valid asset purchase agreement? There is no legacy RSA for this.
It'll have to go under RSA to stay with ARIN.
Or you can do a transfer to RIPE.
carefully note the "or". If you first move it under ARIN's jurisdiction (by signing an RSA) and *then* transfer it to RIPE, it won't be "legacy" any more in the course of the 2nd step and RIPE's 2-yr holding period comes into play (=> it can't be transferred during that time).
Note also there's voices recommending not to sign an RSA for legacy space (in certain situations, at least), see
-- Enno Rey
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Handelsregister Mannheim: HRB 337135 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Enno Rey
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