:-). however, you did seem to miss the hue and cry about how ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO GOOGLE now. a smattering of this can be found at:
Has anyone considered that perhaps google is not looking at beating Microsoft but instead at beating TIVO, ABC, CBS, Warner Cable, etc? You can't possibly believe that there is enough bandwidth to stream High Def video to everyone, that's just not going to happen any time soon. However, as the file share networks have proven, it is possible to download that content in mass today with todays last mile. Download it over time to watch it when you want to, the internet version of TIVO. Thats where I think Google is headed with the dark fiber and massive storage containers. The fiber lets them get content to local points across the internet, like a great big fileshare network except with google in control so they can promise media producers that the material will be downloaded with commercials in the downloads. All you need is someone like Cisco to team with who can produce a network consumer DVD player capable of assuming the roll of a physical tivo box, say something like the kiss technology DP-600 box (cisco bought kiss last year) that the MPAA loves so much (MPAA bought thousands of them for their own purposes) and presto things are suddenly taking a whole new shape and direction. So now you get a choice, buy a new HD TV tuner or buy a new DVD player that does standard or HD tv even after the over the air broadcast change happens in the US. All your base indeed.. no hue required. George Roettger Netlink Services