Did you check out IPv6 Essentials, 2nd edition by Siliva Hagen? ---------------- John 609-377-6594 ---------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Brad Fleming <bdfleming@kanren.net> To: Curtis Maurand <cmaurand@xyonet.com> Cc: nanog@nanog.org <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Mon Mar 01 09:27:48 2010 Subject: Re: Comcast IPv6 Trials Update I found "Migrating to IPv6: A practical guide to implementing IPv6 in mobile and fixed networks" by Marc Blanchet very well written and "worth the price of admission". ISBN: 978-0471-49892-6 -- Brad Fleming On Mar 1, 2010, at 8:21 AM, Curtis Maurand wrote:
Can anyone recommend a decent book on IPV6? Most of what I find on the net don't explain things very well.
thanks, Curtis
On 2/28/2010 2:08 PM, John Jason Brzozowski wrote:
Are you looking for something specific on www.comcast6.net? We will likely be making some content updates in the not too distant future and over time as the trials progress and evolve. If there is something specific you would like to see send me your suggestions.
On 2/26/10 1:15 PM, "Michael Greb"<michael@thegrebs.com> wrote:
Received this message today. They haven't updated the <http://www.comcast6.net/> site yet.
Begin forwarded message:
An Important Message From Comcast
Dear Comcast Customer,
Thank you for volunteering to participate in Comcast's IPv6 trials! I wanted to provide you with a quick update on what our next steps are and when you can expect to hear from us again.
As you know, we have four trials described at http://www.comcast6.net . We're in detailed planning on the first three: 6RD, plus native dual- stack for residential and for commercial customers. We expect each of these to start sometime within the next 90 days or so.
6RD Trial: We anticipate having customers from around our network, not limited to any specific areas, participate. We will start the trial on a very small scale and then progressively increase the number of participants. We plan to ship a new home gateway device to each trial participant.
Residential Native Dual-Stack Trial: This trial will be limited to a few areas in our network. We are in the midst of determining precisely what those areas will be, based on where we have volunteers and where the infrastructure will be ready. If trial participants do not have an IPv6-capable home gateway and cable modem, one will be provided.
Commercial Native Dual-Stack Trial: This trial will be limited to a few areas in our network. We have tentatively identified these trial areas and will soon be in touch with potential trial users.
Within approximately the next 30 days we will begin to contact some of our volunteers regarding each of these trials, so expect to hear from us soon.
Thanks again for your interest!
Regards Jason Livingood Internet Systems Engineering Comcast
========================================= John Jason Brzozowski Comcast Cable e) mailto:john_brzozowski@cable.comcast.com o) 609-377-6594 m) 484-962-0060 w) http://www.comcast6.net =========================================