News flash, lady - IT -is- "tape drives and hardware and wires and machines". So, if you have nothing in common with people who are interested in such things, go do something else. Male or female, people with this sort of attitude have no business in the industry. I could care less whether my colleagues are male or female, as long as they know their stuff and do their jobs. All this whining - and that's what it is - about 'gender balance' (whatever -that- is) is absurd. There may well not be as many women who are into this sort of thing as men, just as there may not be as many men who are into interior design or haute couture. So what? -----Original Message----- From: John M . Brown To: nanog@merit.edu Sent: 8/7/00 1:15 AM Subject: [OT] Valley of the Boyz http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/08/03/it.women/index.html