--On 29 June 2008 23:59 +0000 bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com wrote:
one might legitimately argue that ICANN is in need of some serious regulation....
that can happen at that national level or on the international level.
It is very likely that "serious regulation" particularly at an "international level" would have a way more degenerate effect on DNS operations than adding a bunch of new entries into the root. Be careful about what you legitimately argue for... I'm still having a hard time seeing what everyone is getting worked up about. Can anyone point to an example of a reasonably plausible bad thing, that could happen as a result of doubling, tripling, or even increasing by an order of magnitude the size of the root zone. Sure, nefarious use of say .local could cause a few problems but this is pretty inconceivable given that: 1) most estimates I've seen of the cost of setting up a TLD start at around $500,000 (probably a bit over the credit limit on a stolen credit card #). 2) These are easily fixed by adding known large uses like to this to the formal reserved list. 3) I'm sure that these will in any case be caught well before deployment under the proposed filtering process. So, other than a change in the number of various DNS related money chutes and their net recipients, what are the actual operational issues here? -- Rob.