A customer just informed us of this lovely NetSol behavior. I've removed the standard disclaimer for readability: [grant@bismarck grant]$ whois viis.net@whois.networksolutions.com [whois.networksolutions.com] [No name] (GC3865) HOLD-PAY [grant@bismarck grant]$ whois yahoo.com@whois.networksolutions.com [whois.networksolutions.com] Sorry, you shouldn't see this record. [grant@bismarck grant]$ whois infoseek.com@whois.networksolutions.com [whois.networksolutions.com] [No name] (GC6326) COM [grant@bismarck grant]$ whois cnn.com@whois.networksolutions.com [whois.networksolutions.com] Registrant: 101 S. Brookside, #2011 Dallas, TX 75214 US (ID?) Domain Name: 21-May-1999 Technical Contact: [No name] (JL18363) [No mailbox] [No address] JL18363 Garbled updated date . [grant@bismarck grant]$ whois excite.com@whois.networksolutions.com [whois.networksolutions.com] [No name] (ID?) [No mailbox] Garbled updated date . This behavior seems to exist on NetSol's site as well.... it seems to be different for every domain that I try. Random handles, garbled data, and the lovely "Sorry, you shouldn't see this record." for yahoo.com. Grant -- Grant A. Kirkwood - Vision Imaging Internet Services email: grant@viis.net web: http://www.viis.net/ voice: 1.909.793.4600 fax: 1.909.793.5600 "True power is knowing that you can, but you don't."