Yep, that describes the old GRF400/800 to a T. It was gated. On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Nicole wrote:
I used to work with an Ascend GRF (goes real fast) Router that was nothing more than a hacked BSD os running on a hard drive at first then they moved to a flash card that controlled some custom switching hardware. But all the functions were via the BSD os and I think it just used Gated.
Sounds very similiar.
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"Witchcraft is in essence the worship of the powers of this world, beautiful and terrible, but all in a circle under the turning sky that is the One." -C.A. Burland, "Echoes of Magic"
"Connecting with energy is something humans have to be open to and talking about and expecting, otherwise the whole human race can go back to pretending that life is about power over others and exploiting the planet. If we go back to doing this, then we won't survive." -James Redfield, "The Celestine Prophecy"
-- /-------------------------------------------------> Marius Strom | Always carry a short length of fibre-optic cable. Professional Geek | If you get lost, then you can drop it on the System/Network Admin | ground, wait 10 minutes, and ask the backhoe http://www.marius.org/ | operator how to get back to civilization. \-------------| Mike Andrews |-------------------->