60 Hudson is safe and the power is on. There is no danger of it collapsing although I think that has been said already. All the the Verizon phone lines are out, but cellphone service is good in and around the building. Some circuits are down but remarkably most are up. They aren't letting people get there from uptown just yet but hopefully they will in the next couple of days. Anything south of Chambers St is likely going to be out for some time. I had to hike out of 61 Broadway (3 blocks south of the WTC) through it all and I can't see utilities restored for several days more as there is choking dust everywhere, debris, and untold gas leaks and other hazards. Many of the buildings around the WTC may be unstable after the collapse and must be inspected for safety before utility workers can go into the area. Some may have to be taken down before work can proceed (I hope not!). 1 Liberty plaza is still up but who knows for how long? All the area telco providers must have taken significant losses in personnel and equipment so it's going to take them time to organize their repairs. My building's management company is going to notify me as soon as we can at least enter and retrieve equipment, and I'll pass that update along to the list. If I can get in at 61 Broadway then probably people will be able to get into 25 Broad St and the adjoining buildings. My hopes and prayers for everyone who has lost or is searching for their friends and loved ones. Greg