Down again.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 12:19 AM Mike Lyon <> wrote:
Isn’t ANY2 LA collapsing  VLANs today? They sent a notice out about it yesterday AM.


On Jan 26, 2021, at 04:55, Mike Hammett <> wrote:

And instead of building out in LA where there's an obvious need, DE-CIX chose Chicago, where there are already several IXes running.

From: "Bob Purdon" <>
To: "Siyuan Miao" <>, "North American Network Operators' Group" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 5:59:58 AM
Subject: Re: Any2 Los Angeles down again

On 26/01/2021 22:51, Siyuan Miao wrote:
> Does anybody know if there's an alternative to Any2 Los Angeles
> with predictable uptime and enough members in LA?
> It's the second outage this month and we've observed at least 7
> outages in the past year and we didn't even receive any maintenance
> notice or RFO.

Likewise, I wouldn't be adverse to exploring options - I noticed a
handful of peers disappear about an hour ago (most are still up).  A
week or so back we lost most if not all...

Then again, we had a different IX in San Francisco stop talking LACP
with us out of the blue yesterday, for reasons still unknown but since