On Feb 1, 2008 2:37 PM, Steven M. Bellovin <smb@cs.columbia.edu> wrote:
(either that, or the backhoe operators' union has decided there's better money to be made on water than on land.)
Guys named Bubba can get fishing licenses just as easily as backhoe drivers' licenses. One of my customers in the forestry business ran their own cables along their railroad tracks, and every year during hunting season they'd have problems with guys named Bubba shooting at birds on the cables at bridge crossings.
Yah. I'm a security guy, and hence suspicious by nature -- our slogan is "Paranoia is our Profession" -- and I'm getting very concerned. The old saying comes to mind: "once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, but the third time is enemy action".
My business card often says "Technical Marketing", which means I'm supposed to have some wide-grinning explanation about sychronicity of root causes; obviously this is some problem with ship navigation software not using the correct GPS datum, so it's a common-mode operator-interface error that's not the fault of either the telcos or Vendor C's or J's equipment. Funny how Iran's just accidentally fallen off the net, though. I forget the French and Arabic equivalent names for Bubba, but I still think it's him and Murphy. -- ---- Thanks; Bill Note that this isn't my regular email account - It's still experimental so far. And Google probably logs and indexes everything you send it.