Matt Clauson wrote:
On Thu, Dec 14, 2000 at 10:13:41AM -0700, Dave Cooper wrote:
Not that i am even remotely defending Cogent but how does Yipes plan to offer Internet at Gigabit speeds? Or is that more marketing fud....
Quoted from Yipes web page:
"Yipes is Faster. Yipes brings you the Internet at fiber-optic speeds, up to 1 Gbps"
I'm not the best at explaining the technology... But the short version is that we're deploying our fiber as metro area fiber "rings".... Using Gig-E fiber, not SONET. To bring down the data speed to the customer rate, we rate-limit at the ethernet interface facing the customer (we drop a smart switch in each building where we have a customer lit). Depending on the customer's requirements (speed, latency, equipment) is what kind of switch we deploy -- we can provision copper 10(0)baseT, or gig-e fiber.
That's true. There is new working group setup in IETF (802.17) which has been chartered to work exactly on this (Resilient Packet Rings). There is similar standarization efforts going in IETF (IPoPTR) dealing with layer 3 issues. Vinay Bannai Luminous Networks