Too simple? Ok, imagine web pages with 24 hour sound files, or 24 hour vivo or quicktime files, or continously refreshing web pages all generating additional revenue instead of being merely an expensive use of bandwidth.
Again , someone *CLICKED* to receive this..... If they want to listen to 24 hours of "Vivaldi", that is their choice, and they can pay for the privilege... But, we are not talking UDP here... The user can select to drop the transmission, just as they selected to receive it. TCP takes *2* to tango. Why do we keep viewing content as something that passively "leaps out" at the user ? They *request* it. (For auto-refreshers see earlier suggestion for additional features to web browsers) I mentioned "exceptions" for UDP earlier.... The only real "It just leaped out" content. Charge to *sender*.... Need that Coffee!!!!!!!! :}
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