Unfortunately, we are going to have to ask for an extension to project. We developed most of the project and the funding came very late. By the time we were ready to update it, we were bogged down with other committments. What is worse is that my co-PI has just taken another position at Industrial Light and Magic (same people that made Jurasic Park) to work on "Casper the Friendly Ghost". He and I are dedicated to completing this work, so he is staying on 10% with NCSA to work on Networking. Unfortunately, he has taken all data on a SGI with him and is currently moving to San Francisco. The movers will not have his stuff in place for weeks as he is finding a place to live there. Ah, the ironies of life! Please be patient, we will finish the project...we are so close, but new data keeps coming and the network is growing exponentially.
I observed the following and thought you would be interested in it.
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 1994 13:02:24 -0500 (EST) From: Allen Robel <allen@stone.ucs.indiana.edu> Subject: Title : A Visualization Study of Network Growth and Traffic from To: regional-techs@merit.edu Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
Does anyone have any information about results from the NSF award included below? Contact info is included but I thought it might be easier to ask here. The results, if published, might interest some of you. Hence, posting to this forum. Sorry if this is inappropriate.
Thanks in advance.
Allen Robel Internet: robelr@indiana.edu Network Engineer voice: (812)855-0962 Indiana University FAX: (812)855-8299
------Begin included message------
Title : A Visualization Study of Network Growth and Traffic from 1986 to 1992 Type : Award NSF Org : NCR Latest Amendment Date : June 18, 1993 File : a9222690
Award Number: 9222690 Award Instr.: Standard Grant Prgm Manager: Priscilla Jane Huston NCR DIV OF NETWORKING & COMMU RES & INFRASTR CSE DIRECT FOR COMPUTER & INFO SCIE & ENGINR Start Date : June 15, 1993 Expires : May 31, 1993 Expected Total Amt. : $39,838 Investigator: Donna Cox Sponsor : U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 801 South Wright Street Urbana, IL 61801 217/333-1000
NSF Program : 4090 NSFNET Fld Science : 31 Computer Science & Engineering Fld Applictn: 0206000 Telecommunications Abstract : The NSFNET infrastructure has expanded at an exponential rate and has precipitated the need to evaluate trends that impact future network development. High performance computing and advanced 3- dimensional graphics environment coupled with new media technologies provides an expanded visual domain to represent and study complex network topology and data. This project will organize, aggregate, reduce, and investigate large network databases while considering a design criteria that can be applied to a more diverse set of information flow problems. This study is a major step in the development, visualization, and investigation of network data archives and can reveal communication trends in the nsfnet and its components. The archiving and distribution of this investigation will provide a valuable national resource and has the potential of becoming a general purpose visualization tool for network analysis.
Priscilla Jane Huston, phuston@nsf.gov or pjh@rice.edu NSF/CISE/NCRI (IPA from Rice University) Program Director for NSFNET Program National Science Foundation Voice: (703) 306-1949 4201 Wilson Blvd Fax: (703) 306-0621 Arlington, VA 22230 Internet: phuston@nsf.gov or pjh@rice.edu