On 10/24/2010 12:29 PM, Brandon Kim wrote:
I guess what I'm trying to understand is, is having your own NTP server just a luxury?
I personally would like to have my own, I just need to pitch its advantages to my company. Unless everyone here on the NANOG group clearly spells it out to me that it's a luxury.
I can see it as an added service/benefit though to our customers.....
We have one internally because we use private IP'S on some of our own equipment for security reasons and those systems are unable to poll an external NTP server on the Internet. Plus some of our equipment only accepts a single NTP server and in the past we occasionally found external NTP servers to not be up, at least with our own server we know if it's accessible or not. As for pitching one to your company, not sure why that's an issue...talking about 500K app that can run on $50 pc with Linux from ebay Bret