Well, it's been an exhaustive evening. We've been the target of a pretty good smurt attack, which has had my network sucking down between 30 and 50 Meg for the last 10 hours or so. I'd appreciate it if you all could have a look at the following list of source blocks and let me know if you own them and preferably do something about it. Thanks. Brian Horvitz Shore.Net 12.127.131 12.68.136 12.68.160 128.109.34 128.135.2 128.135.253 128.135.91 128.193.6 128.195.23 128.2.203 128.213.4 128.241.3 128.252.221 128.252.233 128.252.5 129.107.1 129.11.11 129.11.12 129.11.13 129.11.14 129.11.152 129.11.159 129.11.16 129.11.20 129.11.22 129.11.8 129.11.9 129.110.10 129.110.13 129.110.14 129.110.15 129.110.4 129.110.5 129.110.6 129.110.7 129.110.8 129.110.9 129.111.2 129.115.4 129.115.6 129.115.8 129.117.1 129.117.10 129.117.11 129.117.12 129.117.14 129.117.17 129.117.20 129.117.22 129.117.24 129.117.36 129.117.41 129.117.5 129.117.8 129.122.16 129.122.20 129.122.46 129.125.1 129.125.13 129.125.136 129.125.14 129.125.16 129.125.17 129.125.19 129.125.20 129.125.5 129.125.8 129.128.1 129.128.15 129.131.1 129.131.12 129.131.15 129.133.1 129.133.10 129.133.12 129.133.13 129.133.15 129.133.16 129.133.18 129.133.19 129.133.2 129.133.20 129.133.21 129.139.10 129.139.128 129.139.14 129.139.2 129.139.20 129.139.22 129.139.23 129.139.8 129.139.9 129.141.120 129.141.20 129.141.22 129.141.5 129.142.6 129.142.7 129.161.16 129.173.13 129.173.249 129.180.1 129.180.11 129.180.16 129.180.9 129.182.13 129.182.14 129.182.15 129.182.16 129.182.17 129.182.18 129.182.21 129.182.22 129.182.3 129.182.5 129.182.9 129.183.1 129.183.16 129.183.19 129.183.20 129.183.4 129.189.1 129.189.10 129.189.180 129.189.2 129.189.9 129.191.1 129.207.10 129.210.11 129.210.12 129.210.13 129.210.15 129.210.16 129.210.17 129.210.18 129.210.19 129.210.20 129.210.21 129.210.4 129.210.5 129.210.8 129.212.11 129.213.12 129.214.251 129.214.3 129.215.162 129.215.2 129.215.3 129.219.16 129.223.1 129.223.10 129.223.14 129.223.2 129.223.20 129.223.8 129.223.9 129.231.10 129.231.17 129.234.16 129.234.8 129.238.12 129.238.13 129.238.14 129.238.28 129.242.10 129.244.1 129.244.14 129.244.17 129.244.18 129.244.20 129.244.22 129.244.41 129.244.5 129.244.6 129.244.8 129.246.101 129.246.13 129.246.20 129.246.22 129.246.229 129.246.25 129.250.20 129.250.255 129.253.0 129.253.16 129.253.18 129.253.19 129.253.31 129.253.64 129.254.10 129.254.11 129.254.143 129.254.2 129.254.20 129.254.21 129.254.224 129.254.3 129.254.5 129.254.6 129.254.7 129.254.9 129.255.128 129.255.14 129.255.22 129.255.230 129.255.246 129.3.254 129.32.0 129.32.25 129.32.4 129.32.6 129.32.8 129.37.0 129.40.16 129.40.3 129.40.4 129.46.49 129.47.10 129.47.180 129.5.176 129.52.251 129.52.7 129.52.9 129.61.21 129.66.1 129.66.12 129.66.2 129.66.20 129.66.3 129.66.4 129.7.18 129.74.10 129.78.1 129.78.22 129.78.23 129.79.2 129.79.5 129.80.22 129.81.10 129.81.153 129.81.174 129.81.186 129.81.241 129.84.2 129.84.3 129.84.4 129.89.18 129.93.1 129.93.11 129.93.116 129.93.12 129.93.120 129.93.13 129.93.14 129.93.16 129.93.17 129.93.18 129.93.19 129.93.21 129.93.22 129.93.3 129.93.4 129.93.56 129.93.6 129.93.66 129.93.8 129.94.1 129.94.12 129.94.129 129.94.17 129.94.177 129.94.18 129.94.19 129.94.2 129.94.20 129.94.22 129.94.4 129.94.66 129.94.8 129.96.201 130.244.194 131.151.7 132.178.181 132.241.60 134.222.200 134.24.32 134.24.42 135.206.251 136.176.5 136.176.80 137.145.202 137.52.129 138.171.6 139.130.5 140.142.12 140.247.210 141.198.1 144.224.23 144.228.134 144.232.139 144.92.233 146.97.254 149.171.204 150.252.40 150.252.47 152.163.194 152.163.201 152.163.204 152.163.205 152.166.26 152.205.20 153.37.94 157.130.192 165.166.8 166.48.23 166.48.234 166.48.92 169.130.112 169.130.73 172.19.59 192.12.10 192.132.65 192.160.127 192.225.17 192.234.72 192.65.88 193.107.188 193.54.185 193.54.238 198.174.96 198.182.76 198.185.178 198.252.208 198.79.72 199.164.151 199.179.169 2.0.0 200.0.227 203.15.123 203.251.18 204.202.169 204.233.137 204.27.123 204.49.9 204.62.245 204.70.181 204.70.227 204.70.29 204.70.40 204.70.43 204.71.52 205.173.178 205.240.124 205.252.130 206.111.144 206.127.8 206.13.28 206.150.138 206.162.64 206.165.113 206.173.136 206.175.105 206.245.156 207.158.78 207.170.53 207.171.46 207.21.136 207.214.13 207.217.208 207.227.71 207.235.31 207.25.201 207.69.200 207.79.35 207.8.5 207.90.198 208.135.168 208.16.152 208.23.202 209.1.169 209.216.44 209.30.66 209.42.128 209.45.240 209.51.160 209.54.110 24.112.115 32.101.8 38.2.195 38.2.99