What is a “4wire” modem? Is that a Chinese knockoff of a 2wire brand? ;-) Or are you referring to a pair-bonded modem? AT&T seems to only offer the pair-bonded device (in most cases, a Motorola NVG589) when you have their 45mbps “Power” service. If anything, you could always upgrade to the 45mbps service just to get the new modem, and then downgrade after you get the modem installed. The newer modems, including the 589, provide IPv6 support using 6rd. The compatibility test previously mentioned will determine if your current device is capable of IPv6. The older equipment has firmware updates available that will provide IPv6 connectivity.
On Feb 8, 2015, at 4:48 PM, TR Shaw <tshaw@oitc.com> wrote:
Any suggestions on what to tell ATT to get IPv6 added to a current account and upgrade a 2wire router to 4wire with halfway decent performance and capability?
Any and all help would be appreciated.