I have heard of something like this (I think) going on in Britain where Demon Internet services has Energis providing their dialin lines via something called the Virtual POP in which Demon has no equipment located outside their NOC and has the ability to switch capacity from location to location as load patterns change. Of course, this is probably not working at the IP level but simply dealing with routing of digitized switched audio calls.
Not only Demon, but just about every dialup access provider over here has local call access. This is a result of the way the telco regulatory framework works, which means that an alternative carrier (say Energis, who pioneered the scheme) get enough of an ingress charge from BT for it to be worth their while to carry the calls on their network. The ISP provides Energis with so many call terminations that it's well worth Energis (or whoever) providing fixed cost per line (no per call charge) access. This works over here as local calls aren't free. More details if you want. Alex Bligh Xara Networks