On Jul 6, 2023, at 3:03 PM, William Herrin <bill@herrin.us> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 11:15 AM Tina Morris <tinapmorris@gmail.com> wrote:
ARIN is actually staffed by helpful people that can answer many of these questions. Call RSD +1.703.227.0660
They absolutely are great people, BUT, and this is true of every regulatory body, you talk to them very carefully before you have your ducks in a row because whatever you say, you can't take it back.
Bill - You are correct, insomuch if one intends to alter answers about the purported history of an address block from what was said the first time, we won’t simply disregard the previously supplied story. Instead, we'll ask for the cause of recent enlightenment; i.e., did you discover an email that reminded you of certain details, or call someone who reminded you of events, etc.? We’re often dealing with events that are more than two decades past, so it’s understandable that both recollection of events and records can be a bit muddled. This is not really an issue for most folks, but rather is problematic primarily for those whose answers suddenly change when they realize they aren’t the rightful holder of rights to an address block – some other party is – and so decide get creative with facts mid-process with the hope that we at ARIN just won’t notice their conversion attempt. Thanks, /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers