Hi, We had an issue with one of our old subnets which was used as a pool for dynamic dial-up in the past, which we now use for virtual hosting. It took a few me a few hours but I was able to get it removed from the DUHL list. ( And a few walk around the block to calm me down after dealing with their robot =D ). As for being removed from their SPAM RBL that might be another story.. Actually knowing Chris, and his outfit, that 18k request seems unwarranted :( As for SORBS, they have a ticket system at http://support.sorbs.net/ which use the same username/password as https://www.us.sorbs.net. You can follow up there with your ticket #, if their robot is being a bit too fascist. ( ecarbonel was the guy that help us in our case ) PS: The ticketing system is not that fast, so be patient. /wave Chris ----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443 On 04/04/12 16:55, Landon Stewart wrote:
On 4 April 2012 12:53, Chris Conn<cconn@b2b2c.ca> wrote:
Is anyone from SORBS still listening? We have a few IP addresses here and there that are listed, one in particular that has been for a spam incident from over a year ago. The "last spam" date is 03/05/2011 according to their lookup tools.
We don't have access to their Net Manager even if our ARIN POC corresponds to the account on their system we opened a while ago. We use their ISP feedback form and never get any responses back.
Is SORBS still relevant and functional?
I've been trying to login to their 'support' interface for a while now. Emails from them for creating a new account or trying to recover a password for an existing account don't actually come to me. I actually wrote Girish from the company that purchased SORBS (Proofpoint) about it (also CC'd here) and I have had no reply whatsoever either.
I think we should all just NULL ROUTE all of their IP space on our borders to get their attention.
Regards, Landon