This is a follow-up to a message I posted earlier today. After a 24 hour absence from the root name servers, the missing domain ( has once again appeared. The lesson to be learned, it would seem, is to avoid doing domain updates around the time Network Solutions generates the root zone files (around 5PM Eastern Time). If I had to wager a guess, I'd suspect they've got a database/programming access issue. I suspect my record was being updated by one program, and thus was locked, at the moment another program was trying to run a report which generates the zone files. I tried to find someone at Network Solutions to mention this to, but there wasn't a clueful person in the dozen or so I talked with. Indeed, most of them didn't understand the relationship between their databases and the root name servers (I think some of them didn't know what the root name servers were). Given a total lack of accountability to anyone, and software that's clearly got some interesting bugs, it's kind of surprising more folks don't get clobbered by this sort of thing (perhaps they do, but don't notice the occasional 24 hour dropout). The sad thing is that competitive registries will likely only make things worse. In that case, you'll yell at the folks you registered with, and they would then have to yell at Network Solutions, who're going to maintain the database with the same buggy software. Sounds like a mess. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Daniel Senie Amaranth Networks Inc.