NSFNET-CERT members: If you are receiving this, then you are on the nsfnet-cert@merit.edu list; if you wonder why you are on this list, please note that it is a list of (exploder) lists, some of which are not located on merit.edu. If you are receiving these messages and think that you should not or do not wish to, then you could examine the header of _this_ message as an indication of which list you are on which would forward this to you, or at least on which machine said list resides. If you don't have headers or there are other problems, you could: - telnet merit.edu 25 - helo <name of your machine> - expn nsfnet-cert and look for your name. IF YOUR NAME * DOES * APPEAR and you wish to be removed, then you can message nsfnet-cert-request@merit.edu ^^^^^^^^ Important! This will stop flames to you! or list-admin@merit.edu regarding this (FYI: all members of regional-techs@merit.edu are on the list). IF YOUR NAME * DOES NOT * APPEAR and you wish to be removed, then here are some exploder lists on other machines which you could check: cert@ncar.ucar.edu, ops@noc.sura.net, nsfnet-cert-ml@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, nwnet-cert@nwnet.net, nsfnet-cert@spot.colorado.edu, nsfnet-cert@rice.edu, cert@cic.net, (again, you can use the above procedure, but telnet to port 25 of, e.g., spot.colorado.edu to EXPaNd its own "nsfnet-cert" list). This procedure should be used recursively until you find your name on a list (which you may or may not recognize) or reach a dead end, in which case you could message postmaster@<machine you stopped at> for further guidance. Thanks, Steve Richardson/Merit Network, Inc.