----- Original Message ----- From: <measl@mfn.org> To: "¨°º©[Queen Vamp]©º°¨" <vampiress@vampiress-au.net> Cc: "nanog" <nanog@merit.edu> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 9:17 AM Subject: Re: Does NSI's domain update web site ever work? On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, [iso-8859-1] ¨°º©[Queen Vamp]©º°¨ wrote:
I have to say that I have been having the same problem with them. I have been waiting for a .net and its almost 3 months since the domain has been "expired" and no updates have been made on the domain in that time. I have tried contacting the administrative contact but they don't respond (of course).
We went through that last year. The domain name was > 3 months past expiration, and I finally called NSI and got kicked up the food chain to someone "in legal". I was told that "NSI will not release expired domain names for other to register unless the name is intentionally transferred by the [ex] owner of the domain". And there at lay, until the name we had been trying for 3 1/2 months to register was mysteriously registered by abovenet.
Is there a way you can rock NSI's world to get the domain or are they forever lost within the sub-space ether??
I hear big $$ works well, but if you're just one of "us", you can forget about anything even remotely related to either "service" or "honesty".
(not had good dealings with them before and dont expect to this time either)
Welcome to the NSI world :-( Comforting.... NOT!!! X-Virus-Scanned: by MailScan