Miles Fidelman <> writes:
Ever since the net went commercial, we've been seeing more and more walled gardens - driven by folks with an economic advantage to segmenting & capturing audiences. Whenever someone talks about how great some new technology is, I'm always reminded to "follow the money." (And ain't it ironic that Microsoft supports calendaring protocols, while Google breaks them.)
And this is happening to email too. It's not IM or online conferencing that will kill email, but fragmentation into multiple closed email environments. We accept SPF and DMARC, abusing DNS to deliberately break SMTP. All in the name of spam protection, Mailing lists barely work anymore and have to resort to hacks to be able to forward messages to their recipients. Traditional forwarding to another account hasn't worked in years. Smaller providers are regularily blocked causing service disruption to their users. It's just a matter of time before the big players, well known for their disregard of open protocols, just shut off SMTP completely. They'll probably "invent" something much better as an excuse... And the masses will love them for that, because it finally removed the spam "problem". And everyone has a gmail account anyway, so why bother with outside email? Bjørn