Hi, I'm trying to get the ATM to ethernet VLAN local switching working properly. What I'm trying to achieve is to connect a Cisco 828 over an SDSL line using a VP/VC that terminates on a Cisco 7200. This VC is then connected at layer 2 on the 7200 to a VLAN, which eventually terminates on a Cisco2621. Physical view: 828 ____SDSL ____ ATM ____ 7200 ____VLAN____ 2621 router DSLAM cloud router router I can get the 828 to talk to the 7200 at layer 3 no problem, but what I'm trying to do is get the 828 to see the 2621 as being directly connected at layer 3 (i.e. the 7200 is transparent). Here is the logical (layer 3) view: 828 ____ 2621 router router The config I'm trying to use is the following under the fastethernet sub-interface: connect connection-name interface pvc interface interworking interworking-type This is described in more detail here: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ps1829/products_feature_guid e09186a00801ea88d.html#wp1110021 I'm not having any joy getting this working, so I was wondering whether any of you have had any experience with this and can help me out? The 7200 is a 7206VXR running IOS 12.2(25)S1. Thanks in advance, Rob.