You guys build how you want. At 6x7 we are building to prepare for possible climactic shifts.  The origin need not be anthropogenic, but that doesn’t look good.

“Doing nothing” isn’t really an option, and “doing what republicans want because they say so and they’re my dad” isn’t a good argument.

Nor is it a personality.

Ms. Lady Benjamin PD Cannon, ASCE
6x7 Networks & 6x7 Telecom, LLC 
"The only fully end-to-end encrypted global telecommunications company in the world.”

FCC License KJ6FJJ

Sent from my iPhone via RFC1149.

On Feb 22, 2021, at 11:35 AM, Mel Beckman <> wrote:


Calling my opposing argument “trash”, and then falsely linking it to unrelated theories on vaccines, evolution, moon landings, and dietary supplements, is intellectually dishonest and professionally rude. Why don’t you respond to the facts raised in the article? Does your religion not permit that?

Either weather events are getting worse, or they aren’t. I provided solid evidence that they are diminishing. The truth of this issue is important to NANOG, because we build the infrastructure that runs the Internet, and we can’t afford to waste finite resources on alarmist claims.


On Feb 22, 2021, at 10:23 AM, Rich Kulawiec <> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 05:48:06PM +0000, Mel Beckman wrote:
Sorry Global Warmists,

Right.  Sure.  Also, the earth is 6,000 years old (and flat), the moon
landings were faked, creationism is real, dinosaurs and humans co-existed,
vaccines cause autism, Elvis is alive, does that line go?  Oh,
right: artificial sweeteners are safe, WMDs were in Iraq, and Anna Nicole
married for love. [shout-out to Levon Helm]

This trash doesn't deserve rebuttal: it deserves ridicule.
