On Sep 18, 2021, at 13:25 , John R. Levine <johnl@iecc.com> wrote:
As you noted John, its the plethora of software, support systems, tooling, and most important in many environments - legacy customer management and provisioning systems that can be the limiting factor. ...
Just looking around my office, I have a Cisco SPA112 two-port ATA. It's been discontinued but Cisco says they will support it through 2025 and they shipped a firmware update in 2019. It works fine on IPv4 behind a NAT. It has no v6 support at all and never will. Multiply that by a zillion and you can see that IPv4 isn't going away any time soon.
This isn’t about removing IPv4 from every last corner of the internet. It’s about adding IPv6 to the content providers that are blocking the ability to build new eyeball networks v6 only. Owen