No, config references are not real configs. For the most part they don’t have object names, indentation, control chars, or any of the other things you deal with in real configs.

Ahh, I had not thought of the practice tests!! That is a great idea. The “answer keys” of a bunch of config practice tests should be as close as you get to real configs without being real configs. 

Anyone know where a big dump of various vendor practice tests answers are? 

On Sun, Aug 21, 2022, at 2:18 AM, Jay Hennigan wrote:
On 8/20/22 09:25, wrote:
> Hi,

> I am looking for a large dump of example, real but scrubbed, whatever, 
> nx-os, junos, panos, ios, eos, hell any common NOS, configs. (Right now 
> I really need nx-os but I'll get to the rest soon)

> To be clear, I am not looking for anyone's private config or network 
> info. I just need a large sample of configs to test some config parsing 
> code I have. Looking for every random ugly feature / config option out 
> there. The bigger and uglier the better. (Files that still even have the 
> horrid control chars ^M, \r\n and worse that come out of network devices 
> are the best!!)

Most vendors publish a command reference document that lists and 
describes every possible configuration command including all of the 
random ugly ones.

Would this be sufficient or are you looking for working random ugly 
configurations? Vendor certification practice tests could be another source.

Jay Hennigan -
Network Engineering - CCIE #7880
503 897-8550 - WB6RDV