On Thu, 20 Jun 2002 measl@mfn.org wrote:
Well if you want to talk about western networks, qwest ranks second just behind chinanet in terms of black hat and spam.
As someone who has recently had the "pleasure" of dealing with some of their pink sheet clientele...
IME, Verio has been clueless in many ways in the past, but they do have an abuse desk. It appears that the guy in charge is a white-hat. I have even met someone who claims to work the Qwest abuse desk, and I haven't been given any reason not to believe her yet! :) (She even LARTed a spamming Qwest salesrep for me, which was cool.) -- Steve Sobol, CTO JustThe.net LLC, Mentor On The Lake, OH 888.480.4NET - I do my best work with one of my cockatiels sitting on each shoulder - 6/4/02:A USA TODAY poll found that 80% of Catholics advocated a zero-tolerance stance towards abusive priests. The fact that 20% didn't, scares me...