It'd be nice to see what benefits 5g really has for carriers and consumers/users... It looks, to me, like a bunch of the 5g hype is really: "uhm, we need to sell these carriers on the G++ ... spin up the hype machine about speed!" never mind the cost to deploy, range of deployment, changes in handset/radio gear / etc... more $ to the vendors!
You know that there is a massive amount of hype going on when they tie IoT to why it's definitely most certainly needed the mostest. I mean, your average IoT gadget is going to consume exactly how much bandwidth? And why on earth would I want to deploy using cellular when my router can have a zigby port and send it using my home connection?
Why on earth would I want to send it anywhere at all over the Internet? One already has to disassemble and inspect very closely almost all electronic gadgets so that the internal embeded spyware microphone and camera and wireless can be removed with pliers. This is just another thing to inspect for and forcibly disable. -- The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic volume.