G'Day: Over the last month, I have been working in vain with a company to get their billing software working with our radius gear (Colubris). Since this software company's support leaves something to be desired, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for software we could use. Some of the requirments: - Must be able to process Credit Card Payments - Ability to tie seamlessly into Colubris and Cisco Aironet gear - Needs to handle different billing groups (unlimited group, $2/hr group, etc) - Tiering the groups (charging different amounts at different times of the day) - Needs to be customizeable, i.e. Webpage customer sees when logging in - Must run under *nix. - Support for program must be in a timely manner - no leaving voice mail and not getting a response back, or getting an email back 12+ hours later when the system is down! There are a couple more, but these are the deal breakers. Thanks, -Eric