13 Feb
13 Feb
12:06 p.m.
Good write up, includes name and shame for AT&T Wireless, IIJ, OVH, DTAG and others http://blog.cloudflare.com/technical-details-behind-a-400gbps-ntp-amplificat... Standard plug for http://openntpproject.org/ and http://openresolverproject.org/ and bcp38 , please fix/help. For those of you paying attention to the outage list, this is a pretty big deal that has had daily ramification for some very big networks https://puck.nether.net/pipermail/outages/2014-February/date.html In general, i think UDP is doomed to be blocked and rate limited -- tragedy of the commons. But, it would be nice if folks would just fix the root of the issue so the rest of us don't have go there... Regards, CB