Dave Taht wrote:
Periodically I still do some work on routing protocols. 12? years ago I had kind of given up on ospf and isis, and picked the babel protocol as an IGP for meshy networks because I felt link-state had gone as far as it could and somehow unifying BGP DV with an IGP that was also DV (distance vector) seemed like a path forward.
As DV depends other routers to choose the best path from several candidates updated asynchronously, which means it is against the E2E principle and decisions by other routers are delayed a lot to wait all the candidates are updated, it is hopeless. OTOH, LS only allows routers distribute the current most link states instantaneously and let end systems of individual routers compute the best path, LS converges quickly. BGP is DV because there is no way to describe policies of various domains and, even if it were possible, most, if not all, domains do not want to publish their policies in full detail.
My question for this list is basically, has anyone noticed or fiddled with babel?
No. Masataka Ohta