The source address appears to be fixed as well as the source port (6666), scanning different destinations and ports. ---- Matthew Huff | One Manhattanville Rd OTA Management LLC | Purchase, NY 10577 | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-460-4139 -----Original Message----- From: Florian Weimer [] Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 12:35 PM To: Matthew Huff Cc: ( Subject: Re: port scanning from spoofed addresses * Matthew Huff:
We are seeing a large number of tcp connection attempts to ports known to have security issues. The source addresses are spoofed from our address range. They are easy to block at our border router obviously, but the number and volume is a bit worrisome. Our upstream providers appear to be uninterested in tracing or blocking them. Is this the new normal? One of my concerns is that if others are seeing probe attempts, they will see them from these addresses and of course, contact us.
What's the distribution of the source addresses and source ports? -- Florian Weimer <> BFK edv-consulting GmbH Kriegsstraße 100 tel: +49-721-96201-1 D-76133 Karlsruhe fax: +49-721-96201-99