+1 on both. Senior network guys learn programming/scripting as a way to automate configuration and deal with large amounts of data. It's an enhancement for us and most network people are willing to expand their programming skills given the time. On the other hand there are way too many jobs where programmers can just be programmers for many of them to be interested in expanding their networking skills even if they have prior experience. If they become interested in the "hardware" world they usually go toward systems administrator and OS's. Some of them are big enough geeks to want to learn both or all three, but those are few and far between. It's very likely that such programmers frequent this list so hopefully I won't get flamed for posting this. EIther way it's just semantics, but it is generally easier to find a network guy that wants to learn how to program or get better at it than to find a programmer who is dying to learn about networking. Not sure if I agree with the opinion about generalists. There are alot of people who view technology as both a job and a hobby and become experts in what pays their bills and then slowly learn something about everything via osmosis. There are alot of people that never saw a book or trade rag they didn't like. 2012/2/27 Owen DeLong <owen@delong.com>
I think you're more likely to find a network engineer with (possibly limited) programming skills.
That's certainly where I would categorize myself.
On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:02 PM, Brandt, Ralph wrote:
Generalists are hard to come by these days. They are people who learn less and less about more and more till they know nothing about everything. People today are specializing in the left and right halves of the bytes.... They learn more and more about less and less till they know everything about nothing. And BTW, they are worthless unless you have five of them working on a problem because none of them know enough to fix it. Worse, you can replace the word five with fifty and it may be still true.
I know of three of these, all gainfully employed at this time and could each find at least a couple jobs if they wanted. I am one, my son is two and a guy we worked with is the third.
At one time (40 years ago) the mantra in IS was train for expertise, now it is hire for it. Somewhere there has to be a happy medium. I suggest this, find a good coder, not a mediocre who writes shit code but a good one who can think and learn and when you talk about branching out with his skill set he or she lights up. His first thing on site is take the A+ networking course.
No, I do not sell the courses. But I have seen this kind of approach work when nothing else was.
Ralph Brandt Communications Engineer HP Enterprise Services Telephone +1 717.506.0802 FAX +1 717.506.4358 Email Ralph.Brandt@pateam.com 5095 Ritter Rd Mechanicsburg PA 17055
-----Original Message----- From: A. Pishdadi [mailto:apishdadi@gmail.com] Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 8:27 PM To: NANOG Subject: Programmers with network engineering skills
Hello All,
i have been looking for quite some time now a descent coder (c,php) who has a descent amount of system admin / netadmin experience. Doesn't necessarily need to be an expert at network engineering but being acclimated in understanding the basic fundamentals of networking. Understanding basic routing concepts, how to diagnose using tcpdump / pcap, understanding subnetting and how bgp works (not necessarily setting up bgp). I've posted job listings on the likes of dice and monster and have not found any good canidates, most of them ASP / Java guys.
If anyone can point me to a site they might recommend for job postings or know of any consulting firms that might provide these services that would be greatly appreciated.