On Aug 13, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
which is, please move these threads to a non-SP mailing list.
R [ 41: Danny McPherson ] Re: mitigating botnet C&Cs has become useless R [ 22: "Laurence F. Sheldon] R < 45: Danny McPherson > R [ 62: "Laurence F. Sheldon] R [ 162: "J. Oquendo" ] Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? R < 211: "Payam Tarverdyan Ch> R [ 66: Michael Nicks ]
i already apologized to the moderators for participating in a non- ops thread here. there are plenty of mailing lists for which botnets are on- topic. nanog is not one and should not become one. nanog has other useful purposes.
Interestingly enough, I lurk here 99.999% of the time. I comment on this thread and folks ask to move it to a non-SP mailing list? Perhaps non-operational, but this certainly has direct implications on SPs and I'm of the opinion it's quite relevant - well, certainly as relevant as the past recent threads: SORBS Contact New Latop Policies Fingerprinting and SPAM ID MPLS Gear for Outside Plant [perhaps] Fedex Contact Citrix Load-balancing Detecting Parked Domains I suppose it's more "what I feel like reading and sending email about", as opposed to whether/what's on topic or not. I'm done with this thread on NANOG - else the slew of "me too" responses on this "list moderator" thread will divert attention from alternative cruft... Wondering if I should send a message to NANOG every time I see a thread of questionable NANOG relevance, -danny