Outside of child pornography there is no content that I would ever consider censoring without a court order nor would I ever purchase transit from a company that engages in this type of behavior. Jeff On Oct 24, 2009 9:01 AM, "William Allen Simpson" < william.allen.simpson@gmail.com> wrote: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/23/chamber-of-commerce-stron_n_332087.... Hurricane Electric obeyed the Chamber's letter and shut down the spoof site. But in the process, they shut down hundreds of other sites maintained by May First / People Link, the Yes Men's direct provider (Hurricane Electric is its "upstream" provider). What's going on? Since when are we required to take down an entire customer's net for one of their subscriber's so-called infringement? Heck, it takes years to agree around here to take down a peering to an obviously criminal enterprise network.... My first inclination would be to return the request (rejected), saying it was sent to the wrong provider.