-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Suresh Ramasubramanian Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 6:25 PM To: Marshall Eubanks Cc: Carl Karsten; NANOG Subject: Re: wifi for 600, alex
2. Plan the network, number of APs based on session capacity, signal coverage etc so that you dont have several dozen people associating to the same AP, at the same time, when they could easily find other APs ... I guess a laptop will latch onto the AP that has the strongest signal first.
Speaking from experiences at Nanog and abroad, this has proven difficult (more like impossible) to achieve to the degree of success engineers would expect. In an ideal world, client hardware makers would all implement sane, rational, and scalable 'scanning' processes in their products. However, we find this to be one market where the hardware is far from ideal and there's little market pressure to change or improve it. On many occasions I've detected client hardware which simply picks the first 'good' response from an AP on a particular SSID to associate with, and doesn't consider anything it detects afterward! If the first "Good" response came from an AP on channel 4, it went there! Also incredibly annoying and troubling are cards that implement 'near continuous' scanning once or say twice per second or cards that are programmed to do so whenever 'signal quality' falls below a static threshold. A mobile station would likely see very clean hand-over between AP's and I'm sure the resulting user experience would be great. However, this behavior is horrible when there are 200 stations all within radio distance of each other... you've just created a storm of ~400 frames/sec across _all_ channels, 1 on up! Remember, the scan sequence is fast - dwell time on each channel listing for a probe_response is on the other of a few milliseconds. If a card emits 22 frames per second across 11 channels, that 2 frames/sec per channel becomes a deafening roar of worthless frames. It's obvious that the CA part of CSMA/CA doesn't scale to 200 stations when we consider these sorts of issues. I can think back to Nanogs years ago where folks tended to have junky prism II radios which did this (type of scanning). Nanog 29 in particular was quite rife with junky prism II user hardware. A lot of the laptops were "sager" or something silvery-plastic-generic from far overseas. In my selfish, ideal world, a "wifi" network would behave more like a CDMA system does. Unfortunately, wifi devices were not designed with these goals in mind. If they had, the hardware would be horribly expensive, no critical mass of users would have adopted the technology, and it wouldn't be ubiquitous or cheap today. The good news is that because it's gotten ubiquitous and popular, companies have added-in some of the missing niceties to aid in scaling the deployments. We now see 'controller based' systems from cisco and Meru which have implemented some of the core principals at work in larger mobile networks. One of the important features gained with this centralized controller concept is coordinated, directed association from AP to AP. The controller can know the short-scale and long-scale loading of each AP, the success/failure of delivering frames to each associated client, and a wealth of other useful tidbits. Armed with these clues, a centralized device would prove useful by directing specifically active stations to lesser loaded (but still RF-ideal) APs. True, the CCX (cisco client extensions) support on some devices can permit stuff like this to be shared with the clients (i.e. CCX exposes AP loading data in the beacon frames, and can tell the client how to limit it's TX power) in the hopes that this can be used in the 'hybrid' AP selection logic of the station card. What stinks for us is that very few (generally fewer than 10% at Nanog) of the clients *support* CCX. What's even more maddening is that about 35 to 40% of the MAC addresses associated at the last Nanog could support CCX, but it's simply not enabled for the ssid profile! Here we have one potential solution to some of the troubles in scaling wireless networks that depends entirely on the user doing the right thing. Failure, all around. This gets back to the point of #2 here, in that only "some" of the better-logic'd client hardware will play by the rules (or even do the right thing). In a lot of theses cases it's better to expertly control where a client _can_ associate with a centralized authority (i.e. controller with data from all active APs). We simply cannot depend on the user doing the right thing, especially when the 'right thing' is buried and obscured by software and/or hardware vendors.
3. Keep an eye on the conference network stats, netflow etc so that "bandwidth hogs" get routed elsewhere, isolate infected laptops (happens all the time, to people who routinely login to production routers with 'enable' - telneting to them sometimes ..), block p2p ports anyway (yea, at netops meetings too, you'll be surprised at how many people seem to think free fat pipes are a great way to update their collection of pr0n videos),
I would add that DSCP & CoS maps on the AP's can be used to great effect here. What I've done at Nanog meetings is to watch what's going on (recently with some application-aware netflow tracking) and continually morph and adapt the policy map/class map on the router to set specific DSCP bits on "p2p" or "hoggish users" traffic. These packets from the "hog" can then be mapped in the AP (by virtue of their specific DSCP coloring) to a CoS queue which has lower delivery priority than other non-hoggish traffic. This way, the p2p/hog/etc bits act as a 'null fill' and use the available space on the air, but they cannot overtake or crowd out the queued data from higher priority applications. You'd have to ask other Nanog meeting attendees, but I think it's fairly safe to say that the way we treat certain SSH, dns, and tcp-initial packets over the wireless network has yielded happy, content, and less-lagged-n-frustrated users.
How was the wifi at the resent Nanog meeting?
I liked it! (heh)
I have heard of some success stories 2nd hand. one 'trick' was to have "separate networks" which I think meant unique SSID's. but like I said, 2nd hand info, so about all I can say is supposedly 'something' was done.
The quick & dirty formula for Nanog wireless is as follows: A) ssid for b/g (typically "Nanog" or "nanog-arin") B) ssid for a-only (typically "nanoga" or "Nanog-a") C) 1/4/8/11 channel plan for the 11b/g side, and tight groupings of 5.1/5.2 GHz and 5.7 GHz 11a. Many 11a client cards do not cleanly scan/roam from 5.3 -> 5.7 or from 5.7 -> 5.3, so this apparent 'panacea of 8 channels' really isn't. for each 'dwelling area' where users are expected to sit, try to stick with 5.3 channels + reuse or 5.7 channels + reuse. If you have to, go ahead and mix them, but ensure that 'roaming' from this area to other areas features AP's along the way which are in the same band, less 'hardest handoff' causes the card to rescan both bands. D) Ensure 1/4/8/11 channel re-use considers the "full" RF footprint. An active, busy user at the 'edge' of an AP's coverage area might as well be considered another AP on the same channel because the net effect is to be another RF source which grows the footprint. Basically, the effective "RF load" radius is twice as wide as the AP's own effective coverage if the users transmitter power and receiver sensitivity is the same (or nearly the same) as the AP's. This is perhaps the most subtle and ignored part of wifi planning. E) Help 'stupid' hardware do the right thing by ensuring an 'ideal' channel is 'most attractive' to clients at every point in space where capacity is the goal. In areas where you are able to receive three AP's on channel 1, ensure that you 'attract' the stupid hardware to a better AP that isn't co-channel with others. A situation might be three AP's on channel 1 being heard at -72 dBm to -65 dBm by a client. You should place another AP on channel 8 or 11 near by and ensure it's received level is approximately 10 dB higher than the AP's on channel 1. This will tend to attract even the dumbest of stupid hardware. Why do you want to attract this client to another channel other than 1 so badly? Because if you are in a point in space that can receive three AP's worth of beacons on the same channel, those three AP's can all hear your transmissions. Every transmission your hardware makes means you've consumed airtime on not one, not two, but three AP's at once. An especially bad situation which you should strive to avoid is one in which you are able to hear AP's on channel 1, 4, 8, and 11 with levels of, say, -75 to -70 dBm. There is no clear winner here (a 5 dB difference wouldn't be large enough in many drivers to base the decision on it alone). In this case, ensure that co-channel AP's are heard at least 20 db down from the strongest AP's so that users landing on 1/4/8/11 don't consume airtime from co-channel AP's and that the other adjacent AP's transmissions fall below the threshold of 'clear channel' assessment of the clients. F) Use DSCP, CoS, and .11e EDCF support to allow the wireless devices to treat different types of packets over the air appropriately. As mentioned weeks ago by Todd and others (but apparently missed or ignored by the thread) there's a PDF and a video up covering some of the results of this concept. Check it out at: http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0610/presenter-pdfs/kapela.pdf ...and http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0610/real/delivered.ram Perhaps this wasn't quick (little that's complicated is), but it's dirty all the same! Try these ideas out at your next wireless event! -Tk