14 May
14 May
4:50 p.m.
On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Tom Beecher <tbeecher@localnet.com> wrote:
I'm presently doing some research into a SNMP-enabled device to monitor a set of aux contacts on our transfer switch in order to be able to monitor it's status (on generator or on commercial) from our monitoring platform. I've seen a few interesting devices out there that can accomplish this, however I thought I'd query the list to see if anyone has thoughts about a particular unit they've worked with.
I've found the Weathergoose II to be a good general-purpose SNMP monitoring device. They also have something called the Relaygoose which can accommodate more inputs and trigger relays as well. http://www.itwatchdogs.com/p_product_detail.php?pnum=1 -Nick