On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, James Laszko wrote:
Most MPLS networks use a combination of point to point, frame and ATM facilities as the infrastructure. The phone companies use ATM just about everywhere to deliver voice across their networks. I don't see ATM/FR equipment being EOL'd anytime in the near future.
really, that is interesting.
James Laszko Pipeline Communications, Inc. james@pcipros.com
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu] On Behalf Of Christopher L. Morrow Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 10:25 AM To: Jason Frisvold Cc: Petri Helenius; Philip Lavine; nanog Subject: Re: ATM
On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Jason Frisvold wrote:
On 6/29/05, Petri Helenius <pete@he.iki.fi> wrote:
Maybe the small fact that ATM is fading away and building new
with technology going away is going to explode your operational cost in a few years time. Business grade IP networks will provide you with equal if not better performance than a "dedicated" ATM WAN.
And being replaced with .... ? GigE? DPT/RPR? MPLS?
ATM is a great technology... Unfortunately, I don't think it was ever fully utilized.. From what I understand, MPLS takes some of the good bits and combines it with traditional routing.. But I don't see a lot of MPLS implementations either...
look to the private networks luke... Seriously, many large private ATM/Frame networks are transitioning to MPLS networks because the ATM or Frame gear is/was/will-be-shortly EOL/EOS from the vendors. The costs to run these networks don't jibe well with the alternatives.
Now, start the discussion on: "private network" and "mpls vpn" and "oops, hey, that runs over the same routers as that bad-old Internet thing with the haxors and such!"