On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 14:40:49 EST, "Stephen J. Wilcox" said:
Is the problem with the management of the servers of the administration of the com/net domains?
By all accounts I've heard, the servers reliably serve up the contents of the zones they have been given. The problem is that some people have the foolish notion that the servers should be allowed to report the non-existence of something, rather than returning misleading information. I'll let others decide whether that's "administration of the com/net domains" fault for putting the data in the zone that created that situation, or whether it's "server managers" fault for accepting the data as correct. That sufficient tap-dancing? ;) (For the record, I have *absolutely* nothing wrong with somebody offering a service "If you got an NXDOMAIN, re-try it here and we'll do a search for you", and software that optionally does such a retry. I even don't mind the existence of several such services competing. What I *do* mind is when one group uses its monopoly on a resource to impose a "where do you want to go today?" rather than giving me the NXDOMAIN and the choice....)