Would you clarify this please Steve. I thought peering had a $ price tag attached to it. But NSF surely can't say that MCI must peer with COOKnet because MCI might say they want $2000 a month to do so and I might say I can nott afford such an "outrageous" price. Are you saying that MCI or XYZ must peer with everyone where peer is defined as accepting traffic for R&E destinations at no cost? To say that peering MUST take place and then leaving the cost of such peering to be negotiated seems of dubious workability.Gordon Cook, Editor Publisher: COOK Report on Internet -> NREN 431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA NEW E-mail: cook@mcs.com Subscriptions: $500 corporate site license; $175 edu.,non-profit & small corp. $85 Individual On Wed, 7 Sep 1994, Stephen Wolff wrote:
So long as ALL NSPs agree to peer at MAE-East then things should be OK, as no transit is needed because all the regionals are connected by their individual service provider. However there is no REQUIREMENT to peer. I am looking for NSF to make this a requirement (at least for a year or so) to ensure continued ubiquitous connectivity.
It **IS** a requirement of NSF - if you connect to any NAP, but not if you connect to MAE-East, the CIX, the GIX, the SWAB or the Dundalk Consolidated International Three Hundred Baud Interconnect (local reference). The NSF-sponsored NAPs are the only places where we have the right to shape policy.