The problem isn't ICANN, the problem is the USG giving NetSol legally binding (in the US) exclusive rights. Recently, another 4 years.... Of course, the ISPs could host a revolution. You have some experience with that. Vadim Antonov wrote:
I find it amusing that large ISPs tolerate NSI for so long despite the enormous costs its incompetence imposes on their businesses. Now the bunch of self-proclaimed rule-setters called "ICANN" is going to screw them even more. ... Despite the cut-throat competition in the market, ISPs managed to maintain a coherent and functioning global routing infrastructure. The DNS is as essential for their customers as the actual packet transport; so i think it is time for competent people to take over it, too.
Now, the question is when the ISP managers will wake up and get a clue. Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32