I apologize in advance if this is too far off topic We are a small web hosting firm doing 20-40 domains/month. A few days ago email submissions stopped working. The good folks over at NSI that they submit to public abuse do not have a clue as to what the powers that be do from day-to-day. The numbers they give out simply say, "we are too busy to answer the phone". I would say I wish we had that much business, but the truth is I would rather shovel out the barn. End of rant, so my questions are: 1) anyone know what gives; I have used the 4.0 and 6.0 forms 2) does anyone know of/have experience with another registrar that takes email submissions As sort of an open letter part: Chuck: hope you are going better than the service you oversee. Any other registar: there is a business oportunity here guys. Make any flames to me personally please. -- doug@pemiquid.safeport.com