-----Original Message----- From: Thomas Magill [mailto:tmagill@providecommerce.com] Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 11:22 AM To: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Quick IP6/BGP question
From the provider side, are most of you who are implementing IP6 peerings running BGP over IP4 and just using IP6 address families to exchange routes or doing IP6 peering?
Thomas Magill Network Engineer
Office: (858) 909-3777
Cell: (858) 869-9685 mailto:tmagill@providecommerce.com <mailto:tmagill@providecommerce.com>
At the Seattle Internet Exchange we have both IPv4 and IPv6 peering, via discrete addresses, on the same interface. Regards, Mike -- Michael K. Smith - CISSP, GSEC, GISP Chief Technical Officer - Adhost Internet LLC mksmith@adhost.com w: +1 (206) 404-9500 f: +1 (206) 404-9050 PGP: B49A DDF5 8611 27F3 08B9 84BB E61E 38C0 (Key ID: 0x9A96777D)