16 Nov
16 Nov
6:29 p.m.
On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 02:51:12PM -0600, Michael Airhart wrote:
I apologize for asking on the NA list (this is the only one I am one), but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of a good hosting site in central Europe (Amsterdam is great!)...
Looking for basic space sold by the rack (+ bandwidth) with limited on site support (power backup assumed standard)...
Michael, We can offer you various kinds of hosting, bandwidth and aditional services in Brussels, Antwerp and Amsterdam. Please contact me offlist with your requirements, and I am sure we can work something out. Kind Regards, Frank Louwers -- Openminds bvba www.openminds.be Tweebruggenstraat 16 - 9000 Gent - Belgium