Comcast having saturated links to other providers is a common and frequently discussed issue. Here is one previous NANOG thread on the topic: And a related article: There are debates back and forth on the validity of the graphs from the NANOG post, but it is a fact that at that time Comcast was heavily pre-pending their Level BGP advertisements to force traffic over to Tata, and many many people noticed congestion at those links in a variety of markets. I wish you luck, but my personal opinion is that your fastest resolution would be to move to another provider. Comcast is a residential ISP that lives on extreme over-subscription and not actually being able to deliver what customers believe they have. You'll notice a lot of recent news about increased and more strict data caps for their subscribers, and that is the only thing they will likely be doing to relieve these types of recurring issues. -Scott On 01/02/2014 11:18 PM, R W wrote:
I'm seeing the same as well. Can anyone from Comcast/Level(3) reach out to me or provide comment. We're seeing heavy jitter and some packet loss most noticeable in NYC area connections between Level(3) and Comcast. -Rob
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 09:45:00 -0800 Subject: Comcast/Level3 issues From: To:
Looking for a networking contact at comcast and/or level3. I've been having some slow speed issues with hitting some sites that's going through level3 and I think there might be some congestion.