On Tue, Jul 24, 2007 at 10:59:34AM -0400, Durand, Alain wrote:
-----Original Message----- From: bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com [mailto:bmanning@vacation.karoshi.com]
1) What is the IPv6 'service'? For example, is it reasonable to define a 'basic' level service as web+mail and an 'extended' service as everything else?
actually, for some of us there is the thought that before the "basic" service of web+email can work at all, one needs to have a couple of other infrastructure pieces in play, namely DNS and NTP... Oh, and the routing to knit these services together.
Sure, this is very important... but I was talking about the "user experience".
- Alain.
good point. there are "levels" of basic services. i suspect that the network operations folks would want to have working viable v6 (naming, timestamps, audit, measurement) running -before- turning up production "basic" service for the "user experience". assuming that is the case, what things to these assembled operators think are critical for operational stability in bringing online a new address family? Randy had a non-exaustive list at the last IEPG. To memory: MIB, AAAA, DNS, NTP, SYSLOG, DHCP, RADIUS, CALEA, etc. --bill