: Susan Harris' supervisor at MERIT. Chances are, I : will be censored for this and banned almost This whole censorship thing has me wondering as to the continued viability of this list as a place where the clue-heavy hang out and speak freely. Paul Vixie has been warned, randy Bush has been banned. Who else has been banned that'd be considered a clue-heavy NANOG poster? Why are folks being banned? Last I heard, procmail still works. Folks are becoming afraid to post due to worries about being banned. S/N: Isn't the goal to increase S and reduce N? If you reduce both S and N, you don't get a better signal. With randy gone, the S has definitely decreased. Who else is gone that reduces S? __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we. http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail