On 15/03/2009 01:55, Andy Bierlair wrote:
I’m trying to run netflow on one of our Cisco core routers (SUP720-3BXL), but I think I am hitting some limitations because of this:
Sounds about right for the amount of traffic you're pushing through the box. The SUP720 is a very poor netflow platform. There has been extensive discussion about this problem in cisco-nsp over the past several years, and this posting is probably more appropriate to that mailing list. But basically, there is too little netflow tcam on this card to deal with anything more than a couple of gigs of traffic. You can help things by setting the aging timer to be very aggressive, and by getting DFCs (although these are a rather expensive option). Sampling won't generally help, as the sampling is done in software, after the data has been collected. More info on: