Hi, We do not have the new View-series but we're working with the IFS-10: http://www.innoinstrument.com/new/splicer/ifs10.php Easy to use. Works quite good under rough conditions. Not THAT expensive. Battery lifetime is ok. Best regards Jürgen Jaritsch Head of Network & Infrastructure ANEXIA Internetdienstleistungs GmbH Telefon: +43-5-0556-300 Telefax: +43-5-0556-500 E-Mail: jj@anexia.at Web: http://www.anexia.at Anschrift Hauptsitz Klagenfurt: Feldkirchnerstraße 140, 9020 Klagenfurt Geschäftsführer: Alexander Windbichler Firmenbuch: FN 289918a | Gerichtsstand: Klagenfurt | UID-Nummer: AT U63216601 -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: NANOG [mailto:nanog-bounces@nanog.org] Im Auftrag von Peter Kranz Gesendet: Montag, 22. Juni 2015 22:58 An: nanog@nanog.org Betreff: Core alignment fusion splicers Curious if any of you have favorites when it comes to fusion splicers.. There is a huge range in price for units that appear to be very similar in both specifications and appearance. Currently considering standardizing on the INNO View 5 http://www.innoinstrument.com/new/splicer/view5.php , but we need enough of these units I'd love stories from the field before dropping the order. Peter Kranz www.UnwiredLtd.com <http://www.unwiredltd.com/> Desk: 510-868-1614 x100 Mobile: 510-207-0000 pkranz@unwiredltd.com <mailto:pkranz@unwiredltd.com>